Spreading the Joy, Linking the Far Corners and Forgotten Voices
Welcome to my website! I am excited about this opportunity to share my music, my thoughts and my thirst for constant learning and renewal. One of the best parts of being an artist is the abundance of connections with amazing people, made possible when one is in the creative and performing arts. I hope my site will help bring some of those special people together as we celebrate the beauty and magic of music. The arts are a fundamental source of bonding and mutual understanding in today's world. Every day I am thankful that I can take pieces of the music that is always in my head, and add them to the ever-growing store of artistic expression that is spread across the world. No one becomes an artist or contributes their artistic expression to that worldwide magical archive without the influence and guidance of other artists. I learned from many teachers and professors who helped me at every turn. You will hear more about these wonderful people in later blogs. For now, please bear w...